Certified Public Accountants

Discover America's best wealth management and planning options for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs).

You are the most trusted resource for your clients. When you understand Self-Directed IRAs or qualified plans and 1031 exchanges, you can offer unique opportunities to help clients design the optimal financial plan.

Wealth management and planning options for CPAs include working with your clients to develop strategies in tax planning, setting up LLCs and document preparation, as well as estate planning. Offering alternative assets as wealth management solutions empowers your clients to diversify their portfolios beyond traditional investments, enhancing their potential for growth and risk management.

Many investors choose to be actively involved in planning their financial futures. This puts them in charge of their own wealth management to a degree, but your clients still depend on you. This makes your role an essential piece of their success. Self-Directed IRAs or qualified plans and 1031 exchanges provide the control that helps build tax-sheltered retirement income. Your knowledge of these investing strategies makes you a more valuable resource for clients and potential clients.

Embracing self-directed investment strategies can enable you to:

  • Diversify client portfolios more effectively.
  • Build stronger, more loyal client relationships.
  • Set your services apart from the competition.
  • Elevate your role as a trusted financial advisor.
Our presentations offer participants powerful information
  • How to educate existing and potential clients about self-directed investing.
  • The different types of accounts that can be self-directed.
  • Alternative assets allowed in plans and the rules governing these accounts.
  • Why IRAs or qualified plans can incur unrelated business income tax (UBTI) with some assets as well as how to help clients navigate this tax.
  • The role of New Vision Trust Company, the client, and yourself during the investing process.

New Vision Trust Company can help as a self-directed account custodian. We do not offer financial or investment advice, but we do offer superior tools and services to make the investing process easy.

We are an impartial third party. New Vision Trust Company is the custodian of your client's retirement funds. And, we never sell any investment products or collect commissions. Instead, our key function is acting as a gateway for your clients to access a larger range of investment options to use to build wealth for retirement.

New Vision Trust Company is a passive custodian. We will not compete with you for client business.

Our platform offers a streamlined way to manage client accounts, providing aggregated data and a comprehensive portfolio overview. As a qualified custodian, we deliver custodial solutions, detailed reporting, and specialized knowledge across diverse alternative asset classes.

Have questions?

Call or email our expert team for a no-obligation chat about how our services can boost your bottom line.

  • 605-679-4949
  • info@newvisiontrust.com